An operator’s console typically accommodates multiple computers, each with its own monitor, keyboard, and mouse, an arrangement that can adversely affect focus and reaction time. These limitations create a compelling need for improvement.
RGB Spectrum's XtendPoint™ KVM-over-IP system delivers a KVM (keyboard-video-mouse) solution connecting multiple users with controllable systems - with improved workflow and ergonomics.
KlickSimple™ navigation across multiviewer displays gives the feeling of operating a single computer rather than multiple PCs.

Here are six reasons to switch to RGB Spectrum’s XtendPoint KVM [DOWNLOAD PDF]
Elevated User Experience
XtendPoint offers a better user experience, giving users the impression of operating a single computer rather than several. It replaces multiple displays, keyboards, and mice with one or two large-format multiviewers operated by a single keyboard and mouse allowing navigation and control across displays.
Reduced Workspace Noise, Clutter, and Heat
Allowing you to transfer computers from the desk to the IT closet, XtendPoint reduces clutter, heat, and noise at the operator’s console while making it easier to manage IT operations and enhance security.
Sharing and Collaboration
XtendPoint matrixed KVM solution allows all inputs to be viewed and controlled simultaneously by operators, supervisors, and trainers.
Failure Mitigation
In the event of a computer failure, users can switch to a spare PC imaged identically.
Remote, Back Up, and Home Use
With XtendPoint, all source computers can be available via a LAN, WAN, or VPN to a remote site, even a home office.
System Integration and Scalability
XtendPoint allows easy integration with other systems, including video walls. And it is easily scalable to include other stakeholders, local or remote.